May I translate your article into Chinese and repost it on my blog? I will credit the author and provide the source.

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Go ahead Lin!

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☺️Thanks, already published on https://lin66.site/posts/secure-your-vps.html

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Thanks for this. One thing: on a Debian Bookworm machine (and maybe other Linux distros), for fail2ban you should 'sudo touch jail.local', not 'cp jail.conf jail.local'. Then 'sudo nano jail.local' and in there enter


backend = systemd

enabled = true

Save, close, restart as above. You can add other conf options in .local but the above is enough to get it running.

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Thanks Mark - any downside to copying it?

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Only about three hours trying to figure out why it didn't work :)

Deep into the GitHub repo conversations there it was: on Debian you need an *empty* jail.local to enter your config, not a copy of jail.conf to which you add your config (you don't change anything in jail.conf).

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What awesome guidelines! I just learned about the importance of UFW and Fail2ban settings. When I checked the /var/log/auth.log file, I found numerous login attempts to my server. Enabling UFW and Fail2ban will definitely be mandatory items on my checklist for future setups.

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Thanks Risal, glad it helped you!

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This was awesome and easy to understand! It's amazing how u make stuff so easy and intuitive. Def gonna use it🔥

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Thank you Alpaysh!

Glad I could help 🫡

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